DG AGS4 record count by LOCA tool

Summary of the contents of an AGS file presented as count of records in each Group for each LOCA_ID (exploratory hole). Useful for checking whether the file content is broadly as expected.

  • Select file to summarise using file picker below
  • Review and select options below, as applicable, in particular choice of output format
  • Click button to run
  • Results are presented on screen, with option to download the results as a file

If you are having problems, or if you would just like to provide some feedback, then please do not hesitate to contact us.


Select prefered format for output

Tables may be wide but sticky headers are used to help when scrolling. The single column format is likely to be better for small screens.
CSV file output is tabular with rows and columns determined by the selection made above.

Select prefered output file format (or none)

Additional technical information

If there are AGS format rule validation issues in the original file, then it is likely that this will be reflected in the results, unless the problems are so severe that they prevent the file from parsing in the first place!

However, there are a few situations where rule validation issues may be ignored/corrected during parsing. One example is that data will be parsed even if quotemarks for data items, i.e. "...", are omitted (rule 5). No warning is provided for this particular trangression. Do not assume that a file is valid AGS just because no warnings are flagged up.

If you are concerned about AGS rule validation then we recommend using our validator tool. This summary tool does not carry out full validation and will only flag up major issues that affect the processes it uses.

Please get in touch if you wish to process files larger than 5MB.

Revision history

Only changes that affect the results and other signficant changes are listed here. Minor cosmetic changes may not be included.

Date Description of change
01/02/2022 First stable release